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Air-operated hose guns

For particular types of work, it is necessary to use specific tools and equipment with certain levels of power andperformance. In the case of particular operations such as widening, calibrating and tapering of stainless steel, copper and other material pipes, it is necessary to use an oleopneumatic gun, which through the pressure exerted inside the pipe will be able to achieve the required work process.

We deal with the production of oleopneumatic guns such as our AR TUBE, which through the combination of a hydraulic and a pneumatic system guarantees the execution of careful and professional work.

Contact us to learn more and receive advice from our team, we will provide you with the assistance you need.

AR TUBE: the right power

Our AR TUBE gun combines the power of a hydraulic system with that of an additional pneumatic system, capable of operating the first. It can work copper, aluminum, iron and stainless steel pipes ranging from Ø 6 to Ø 133.

It is also designed to have head interchangeability, using different kits for widening and tapering.

AR TUBE PLUS (5 tons)

The main feature of AR TUBE PLUS (5ton) lies in its high power, through which it is possible to manage all types of processing.

AR TUBE PLUS (5ton) can be equipped with a pedal drive.

Constant support

By choosing to rely on our products and services, you will have the opportunity to receive constant support from our technical office, which will carefully examine all your needs, identifying the solution that best suits you.

Contact us to receive more information and request a detailed quote, we will provide you with the support you need.


The AR TUBE hydraulic gun is also an absolutely useful tool for widening operations. In fact, it is able to ensure the execution of this process, widening even pipes of considerable diameter.


Unlike widening, tapering aims to reduce the diameter of the tube completely autonomously. In this case too, AR TUBE offers the right support, contributing to the creation of extremely precise operations.